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Unveiling the Best Marketing Strategies for Dental Practices

by | September 18, 2023

Do you run a dental practice? If so, then you’ve probably already considered ramping up your marketing efforts to attract more patients. For dental offices, effective marketing strategies are vital to help you have an edge in such a competitive industry where the number of dental options is increasing. It’s essential for you to establish a strong online presence to differentiate your practice from the competition. Even if you think, ‘oh, we are fine, we don’t need to focus on having an online presence,’ you might be surprised to learn that, according to a study conducted by Healthgrades 80% of patients would prefer to schedule their healthcare appointments online. Knowing this, do you see why it’s important to be visible online?


In this extensive guide, we’ll walk you through some of the best marketing strategies for dental practices to help you build a successful online presence, attract new patients, and foster loyalty. Let’s get started!

Understanding the Dental Practice 

Before we dive headfirst into the best marketing strategies for dental practices, it’s important for you to really understand your unique selling points (or USP’s), your target audience, and your competitors. Once you have a better idea of these, you’ll be able to polish up your marketing efforts to effectively reach patients in need of your services. 

Now, let’s explore these key pieces of the dentistry marketing puzzle in-depth.


Identifying Your Target Audience 

Understanding your target audience is vital for crafting effective marketing messages and reaching the right people. Consider who you cater to by determining their demographics such as age, income, location, and oral health needs. Additionally, you’ll want to identify where your target audience is most likely to find dental services. Are they searching online through search engines? Do their demographics suggest they’re likely on social media searching? Or maybe they’re using local directories?  

When you understand your audience better, you’ll be able to really tailor your efforts towards them.


Defining Your Unique Selling Points (USPs) 

Once you have an idea of your target audience, the next thing to pinpoint is your unique selling points. Or, in other words, what sets your practice apart from the competition? Do you have state-of-the-art technology, specialized services, a convenient location, great customer service? Or maybe it’s a combination of those. By highlighting your unique aspects, you’ll be able to tailor your marketing better so that your marketing materials and messages bring in patients who resonate with your values and offerings.


Conducting a Competitive Analysis 

Next, you’ll want to look at what your direct competitors are doing with their marketing to give you valuable insights into your own activities. Take a look at their website, social media platforms, and other marketing materials and ask yourself, why are they successful? Is it their online presence, social media efforts, patient reviews, special offerings, messages, or other? By analyzing what your competitors are doing, you’ll be able to better identify how you can differentiate your practice to create a competitive edge. 


Setting Clear Marketing Goals 

Without clear marketing goals, how would you be able to measure the success of your efforts? Whether it’s increasing your social media following, growing your organic traffic, generating more leads, or receiving more positive reviews, having defined, specific, and measurable marketing goals that align with your overall business objectives will help you track your practice’s progress so you can make data-driven decisions. 

Strategies for Building an Online Presence 

Now that you’ve identified your USPs, target audience, competitors, and marketing goals, let’s go over specific strategies to build your online presence. 

Strategy 1: Creating a Professional Dental Practice Website 

A well-designed website is the foundation of your online presence. On top of being visually appealing, easy to navigate, and created to accommodate conversions, successful websites should have the following key elements:  

  • Messaging that’s clear, concise, and successfully communicates your offerings and competitive edge.
  • Easy user navigation.
  • Online appointment making for seamless patient scheduling.
  • Testimonials to build trust and credibility.
  • Mobile responsiveness to ensure a positive experience across all devices.

Pro tip:
Having the option to make an online appointment through your website is key to your practice’s success as 35% of patients say the ability to schedule appointments online with their healthcare providers is crucial to helping them decide between similar options.

If you don’t have an in-house IT team to build an effective website for you, we suggest considering outsourcing with specialists that have experience with dental website development. 

Strategy 2: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Dental Websites 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is when you make efforts to improve your website’s visibility in search engine results. The following SEO techniques can help you attract more traffic to your website by increasing its visibility: 

  • Research keywords that are specific to your services, location, and what you think patients are typing in when they search online for a practice like yours.
  • Using the relevant keywords, make on-page optimizations such as meta tags, content, headings, alt texts, meta descriptions, and more.
  • Research reputable dental and healthcare websites that you can approach to build a high-quality backlink strategy.
  • Take advantage of local SEO strategies. Create and optimize your Google My Business (GMB) profile, manage online reviews, and ensure your practice’s NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) is consistent on all online directories.

Pro tip: Having and managing online reviews is vital for dental practices as almost 80% of consumers trust online testimonials to help them make decisions. So, encourage your satisfied patients to leave positive reviews on Google, Yelp, or Healthgrades to demonstrate your expertise and professionalism. 

Additionally, responding to positive and negative reviews promptly and with grace shows that you’re committed to your patient’s satisfaction and to continuously improving.

Strategies for Content Marketing 

Content marketing is an effective way to educate, engage, and build trust with potential patients. By providing valuable and informative content, dental practices can establish themselves as industry experts and attract a loyal following.  

The following strategies will help your practice develop a successful content marketing strategy: 

Strategy 1: Developing a Content Marketing Strategy 

Content marketing consists of creating and sharing relevant and valuable content online that appeals to your target audience. To create a successful dental content marketing strategy, consider utilizing the following: 

  • Blog posts on dental health topics: Write blogs around common procedures, new technologies you’re using, oral hygiene tips, and even industry news.
  • Educational videos and infographics: Use videos and infographics to show and explain the dental procedures you perform and address common patient concerns.
  • Incorporating patient testimonials and success stories: Include patient reviews and testimonials in your content to showcase their positive experiences and remove any doubt your viewers might have.

Pro tip: You probably won’t see overnight success after posting just one video or blog. But, by consistently creating high-quality content, you can establish your practice as a trusted source for information and increase your customer loyalty and engagement. 

Strategy 2: Utilizing Social Media for Dental Content Promotion 

Social media platforms are a great way for you to promote and share your content and connect with prospective clients. To increase engagement and to get the word out about your services, here are some social media strategies to consider:

  • Share information that your audience would be interested in like dental tips, procedure steps, before-and-after photos, and patient testimonials.
  • Respond to comments and messages in a timely manner. This will demonstrate your dedication to client satisfaction.
  • Take advantage of the social media advertising options to help you reach a larger audience that might be interested in your content (more on this below). 

Pro tip: By leveraging social media platforms, dental practices can increase their brand visibility, engage with potential patients, and drive traffic to their website. 

In 2022, approximately 82% of consumer internet traffic was dedicated to watching videos, with individuals spending an average of 100 minutes a day viewing videos. By utilizing video content on your website and social media platforms, you’ll be able to effectively interact and engage with your audience.

Strategies for Paid Advertising

Digital paid advertising is another powerful way for your practice to promote its services and reach more people, increase your visibility, and entice new patients. The following strategies will help you create successful paid advertising campaigns:

Strategy 1: Google Ads for Dental Practices 

Google Ads allows you to more specifically target patients who are actively seeking out your dental services. To run successful Google Ads campaigns, we recommend considering the following tips:

  • Conduct keyword research to help you identify terms that are relevant to your location, services, and what people are searching for. CPC, or cost-per-click, can also be a practical paid advertising approach for your dental practice. It represents the average amount you’ll have to pay for each click on your ad. Understanding CPC helps you estimate the cost of running your ad campaign and determine the budget you need. Additionally, CPC can give you insights into keyword competitiveness and popularity. Higher CPCs typically indicate more competition for a particular keyword. By analyzing CPC data, you can decide which keywords to target and optimize your campaign for maximum effectiveness.
  • Based on your findings, you’ll want to write compelling ad copy that resonates with the patients you are trying to attract, highlights your USPs, and encourages clicks. Once your ads are activated, search engines like Google Ads will use quality score as a metric to assess their relevancy. It is calculated based on several factors, including click-through rate, ad relevance, landing page experience, and the relevance of keywords to ad groups. A higher quality score can lead to lower advertising costs and better ad positions.

Pro tip:
Utilize additional features like ad extensions to provide more information about your practice like your office hours, contact details, services, and more. These extensions can help drive more traffic to your website to increase conversions.

Strategy 2: Facebook and Instagram Advertising 

Facebook and Instagram are terrific platforms for advertising because they can help your practice reach a really specific audience. Consider the following tips when you set out to run successful social media ad campaigns: 

  • Fully utilize the targeting options available to reach your specific target audience.
  • Create visually appealing ads that highlight your services and competitive edge.

Pro tip: Additionally, you can test different ad formats with separate images, copy, videos, and even carousel ads to determine what resonates the most with your target audience. Once you know this, you can start tailoring your social media ads.

Strategy 3: Budgeting and Tracking ROI 

You’ll want to set a monthly advertising budget based on your expected return on investment and monitor your campaigns regularly. Here are some suggestions based on this strategy:

  • Research the costs associated with social media advertising. When you understand the pricing models and formats available, you’ll be able to make informed decisions to set up the right budget.
  • Use tracking tools like Google Analytics to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns.
  • After reviewing the data, you can then adjust your budget and strategies to maximize your return on investment (ROI).

Pro tip: You won’t have overnight success just by running your first ad campaign. It takes time to see results, so be patient and start with a small budget first and test different formats. Monitor the performance of your campaigns and optimize them based on the data collected.

Strategies for Local Marketing 

Local marketing strategies can be highly effective for your practice because they serve your specific geographic location. By targeting the local community, you’ll be able to reach patients nearby. Here are some strategies to help you reach your community:

Strategy 1: Google My Business Optimization 

Google provides businesses with a Google My Business (GMB) profile, which allows you to manage your online presence across their products like Search and Maps. To increase your practice’s local visibility and attract close by patients, updating your GMB profile is vital. Consider the following tips to optimize your GMB profile:

  • Your practice’s contact information, name, and address should all be consistent on all online directories.
  • Encourage your patients to leave positive reviews on your profile, then manage and respond to reviews promptly.
  • Regularly post updates and promotions on your GMB profile to engage with the local community.

Pro tip: When you receive good reviews on GMB, you can showcase these across multiple platforms and on your website as ‘social proof’ to attract new clients.

Strategy 2: Community Involvement and Sponsorships 

Getting involved in the local community can help raise awareness of your dental practice and build trust among potential patients. Here are some ideas to get involved in your surrounding community:

  • Consider sponsoring local events.
  • Participating in health fairs to connect with the public and increase your practice’s visibility.
  • Visit schools to promote oral health education.

Pro tip: You can also showcase your commitment to the community by volunteering at local events or by hosting free dental clinics.

Strategy 3: Partnering with Local Businesses

Collaborating with other local businesses can help you cross-promote your services and attract new customers. Here are some ideas of local businesses you could consider partnering with:  

  • Local health and wellness businesses.
  • Event venues and planners.
  • Beauty salons and spas.
  • Pediatricians and family doctors.
  • Schools and colleges.

Pro tip:
Before you start reaching out to local companies in the community, be sure to research and evaluate potential partners to ensure they have similar values and goals. 

Patient Retention and Referral Programs

Patient retention and referral programs are a great way for your practice to foster loyalty and expand your customer base. By implementing the following strategies, you can promote retention and generate referrals: 

Strategy 1: Developing a Patient Loyalty Program 

Create a patient loyalty program that rewards clients for their continued support by offering: 

  • Discounts on future treatments.
  • Exclusive access to special promotions.
  • Personalized perks for long-term patients.

Pro tip: It’s hard to run a loyalty program if your patients don’t know about it! Be sure to effectively communicate to your clientele the programs and referral programs you have in place and encourage them to actively participate or follow you on social media for updates.

Strategy 2: Encouraging Referrals from Satisfied Patients 

Satisfied patients can be your best advocates. Here’s how you can implement a successful referral program: 

  • Encourage your clients to refer their friends and family members by offering referral bonuses or discounts.
  • Provide referral cards that patients can share with their network, making it easy for them to refer others to your practice.

Pro tip: Regularly monitor the effectiveness of the referrals you receive by tracking them and seeing how many lead to clients. This will help you identify areas for improvement to make necessary adjustments.

Staying Updated with Trends

Staying up to date with the latest marketing trends and industry advancements is crucial for you to remain competitive. By embracing technological advancements, adapting to changes in consumer behavior, and keeping an eye on industry trends, you can stay ahead of the curve. Here are some suggested strategies to help you stay informed:

Strategy 1: Embracing Technology Advancements

By staying on top of and embracing technological advancements in the dentistry industry like orthodontic software and dental software solutions, you can:

  • Streamline your practice operations.
  • Improve patient experiences.
  • Enhance your marketing efforts.

Pro tip: To help your practice stay on top of advancements in the dentistry industry, we suggest you prioritize continuous learning by having staff members attend conferences, workshops, and training sessions focused on dental technology.

Strategy 2: Adapting to Changes in Consumer Behavior 

Consumer behavior is constantly progressing, especially with so much information being shared online. You can adapt to these changes by:

  • Staying educated about how people are researching for and selecting dental practices.
  • Adjusting your marketing strategies to meet the needs and expectations of your target audience.

Pro tip:
Consumers nowadays have higher expectations. By offering services that show you’re adapting to changes like treatments with new technologies or customization, you can attract new patients and engage existing ones.

Strategy 3: Keeping an eye on Industry Trends 

By keeping up with industry trends you’ll be able to ensure your practice is current and informed about the latest advancements, developments, or changes in the sector. You can monitor trends and best practices by:

  • Regularly reading dental publications.
  • Attending conferences.
  • Participating in industry forums.

Pro tip:
By staying informed, you can identify new opportunities for growth and innovation within your dental practice.


If you want your office to thrive, implementing the best marketing strategies for dental practices and ideas outlined in this article can give you a competitive edge. By truly understanding what you have to offer, you’ll be able to market yourself as a top clinic in your area. Start by building an online presence and go from there to achieve your marketing goals. Furthermore, leveraging our social media optimization services can enhance your strategy, ensuring your valuable content reaches a wider audience and engages potential patients on platforms where they spend a significant amount of their time.

Like anything worth doing, marketing takes time, and you should think of your efforts as a long-term investment. Follow the strategies outlined and continue to monitor and adjust your tactics to reach a larger number of potential patients and grow your dental practice! 

About the Best Marketing Strategies for Dental Practices article:

This guide was authored by Lesley Comeau, Marketing Specialist, and reviewed by Araksya Hakobjanyan, an SEO consultant with experience in executing complex SEO strategies.

Scopic provides quality and informative content, powered by our deep-rooted expertise in software development. Our team of content writers and experts have great knowledge in the latest software technologies, allowing them to break down even the most complex topics in the field. They also know how to tackle topics from a wide range of industries, capture their essence, and deliver valuable content across all digital platforms.

If you would like to start a project, feel free to contact us today.
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